Belonging - Babies Room

Age Group:

 The Belonging Room caters for children aged from 6 weeks to 2 years. We provide a program that caters to your child’s age, needs and interests and love to see our families involved in the room’s program. We also have an open-door policy and encourage families to participate freely within our room.

Food Provided: 

Meals are provided at the center, Morning Tea is usually a variety of fruits, vegetables and cheese. For the babies who have not begun to eat chunky foods, pureed fruits are provided (usually pureed apples, pumpkin or pears). All babies are given mashed vegetables along with the lunch meal for that day. These meals alternate between sandwiches, cold meals (such as salads and cold meats) and hot meals (such as pastas etc). Once again the children who have not yet been introduced to mashed vegetables are given pureed vegetables. Afternoon tea choices include yoghurt/custard, raisin bread, crackers with cheese, muffins and scones. Pureed fruits are also supplied once again for children not introduced to solid/chunky foods.

Water is available for the children throughout the day and full cream cow’s milk is provided at morning or afternoon tea. If your child does not drink cow’s milk water will be supplied at lunch time or you may supply a different milk i.e. goats, rice etc. Formula is NOT supplied by the centre so this needs to be provided by parents.

If your child has any special dietary requirements please let us know and we can attempt to incorporate these into our menus. Alternatively, you may want to supply meals for your child while at the centre.

What to bring/provide:

In the Belonging Room we encourage you to bring a named bag for your child containing

  • 3 sets of Spare Clothes- tee-shirts shorts pants jumpers and winter vest (weather appropriate).
  • Shoes and/or socks for winter.
  • Well-fitted cot sheet (fitted ) and a sleep bag named
  • Any comfort items (dummies, blankets, teddies they may sleep with).
  • Family photo. This can be emailed for us to print.

If on formula or breast milk;

  • a bottle with a cap which is named is to be left at the centre.
  • Formula in a divider container, enough for your child throughout the day (or bring a tin of formula which will be named and dated, once again you will be notified when it is running low).

We Provide

  • Nappies Provided
  • We supply bucket hats for your child to participate in outside play.

Room Philosophy

In the Belonging (Babies) Room we believe that children should be provided with a safe, secure and enjoyable environment which provides experiences that cater for children’s individual needs and interests. We encourage learning through play based experiences in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments while incorporating the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. We encourage the babies, as they become older to explore self-help skills.